CT Credit Card Debt Attorney Examines Paying a Stipulated Judgment in Full

CT Credit Card Debt Attorney Examines Paying a Stipulated Judgment in Full If I pay a stipulated judgment in full, what document(s) should I receive from the plaintiff once they’ve received payment? Question: Do I have to file the document with the court and let the credit reporting agencies know that the debt has been…

Connecticut Credit Card Debt Attorney Discusses a Third Party Calling About Your Debt

Connecticut Credit Card Debt Attorney Discusses a Third Party Calling About Your Debt I often speak to customers as a Connecticut Credit Card Debt Attorney in regards to getting calls from another company about a debt you owe besides the bank.  Consumers that are behind on their debts will often receive calls both from their…

Windham County Debt Relief Attorney Discusses If You Will Receive a Notice of Repossession

Windham County Debt Relief Attorney Discusses If You Will Receive a Notice of Repossession As a Windham County Debt Relief Attorney, I am often asked if you will be receiving a notice of repossession.  If you’re a Connecticut resident and you have been paying on an automobile home and you fail to make certain payments…

Middlesex County Debt Relief Lawyer Discusses How You Can Obtain a Copy of Your Credit Report

Middlesex County Debt Relief Lawyer Discusses How You Can Obtain a Copy of Your Credit Report One of the questions that I ask my clients as a Middlesex County Debt Relief Lawyer when I first meet with them is: when was the last time you’ve reviewed your credit report? Consumers are entitled to a free…

What Kind of Items Can Negatively Impact My Credit Score?

What Kind of Items Can Negatively Impact My Credit Score? As a Hartford County, Connecticut Consumer Credit Attorney, Clients ask me: what are the typical negative items that can impact my credit score? Well, there’s the obvious ones like bankruptcy or lawsuits being filed by your creditors against you. However, there are also some less…

Do Debt Collectors Have to Notify Me of My Rights?

Do Debt Collectors Have to Notify Me of My Rights? Under federal law debt collectors are required to notify you of specific rights that you are entitled to. These include that they inform you that this is an attempt to collect a debt. They’re also required to state that any information to obtain in connection…

Connecticut Debtor Rights Lawyer

Connecticut Debtor Rights Lawyer – How long do negative items stay on my credit report? Connecticut Debtor Rights Lawyer Eric Foster knows that negative items that appear on your credit report can obviously impact your credit score.  As a Connecticut Debtors Right Attorney Foster is often asked, “How long do these items stay on my credit report?”…