Connecticut Debt Relief Lawyer Discusses Preventing Identity Theft with a Credit Report

Connecticut Debt Relief Lawyer Discusses Preventing Identity Theft with a Credit Report One of the key reasons to review your credit report each year is it’s a powerful tool for preventing identity theft. One of the ways in which fraudsters try to steal your identity and use it to borrow money is they create a…

Connecticut Credit Card Debt Attorney Discusses a Third Party Calling About Your Debt

Connecticut Credit Card Debt Attorney Discusses a Third Party Calling About Your Debt I often speak to customers as a Connecticut Credit Card Debt Attorney in regards to getting calls from another company about a debt you owe besides the bank.  Consumers that are behind on their debts will often receive calls both from their…

Connecticut Debt Relief Lawyer Discusses the Importance of Using a Credit Report

Connecticut Debt Relief Lawyer Discusses the Importance of Using a Credit Report As an experienced Connecticut Debt Relief Lawyer, I am often asked by clients of the importance of a credit report.  A credit report contains information relevant to your past loans, your residence and your past payment history. There are three credit reporting agencies:…

Hartford Business Lawyer Discusses a Buy-Sell Agreement

Hartford Business Lawyer Discusses a Buy-Sell Agreement Clients sometimes come to me as a Hartford Business Lawyer with a buy-sell agreement asking me what is this agreement and should I sign it? Buy-sell agreements are a very useful governance and succession planning tool for any business owner. Basically a buy-sell agreement is an agreement that…

Hartford Debt Relief Attorney Explains How to Put a Stop to Harassing Debt Collection Calls

Hartford Debt Relief Attorney Explains How to Put a Stop to Harassing Debt Collection Calls Many of my clients ask me as a Hartford Debt Relief Attorney, “what can I do stop debt collectors from calling me incessantly or calling me at inconvenient times?”  One of the powerful tools in the Federal Debt Collection Practices…