What You Can Do if Your Debt Was Sent to a Collections Agency
Hartford Credit Card Debt Attorney Helping You Protect Your Rights
Single mother, unemployed since March. Some debts sent to collection agencies, one charged off, and sued by collection agency but missed date to respond. Need advice on what to do now.
It may not be too late to force the creditor to prove in court that you owe the debt, that the alleged amount of the debt is accurate and that they are in fact the current “holders” or “owners” of the debt and thus entitled to judgment against you. Even if you have been sued on a debt that you think you owe, you should speak to a competent Connecticut licensed attorney as they can help you understand your rights as you may even have counterclaims back against the debt collector and the creditor for violating Federal and CT collections laws.
Have you had a debt become sent to the collections agency? Contact dedicated Harford Credit Card Debt Attorney to fight for you.
This legal question was provided by Avvo and answered by Eric Foster an experienced Hartford Credit Card Debt Attorney. This does not consent an attorney client relationship.