Bankruptcy Lawyer Middletown, CT
When To Consider Filing For Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a useful tool for people that are struggling financially and don’t see a way out in the near future. From everyday individuals to businesses, filing for bankruptcy can be an effective way to regain stability financially. At Eric Lindh Foster Law, LLC, we understand that this process can feel intimidating. If you are wondering whether filing for bankruptcy is the right next step for your situation, here are signs that it may be time to meet with our Middletown, CT bankruptcy lawyer for assistance:
- You are living off creditor cards to pay for essentials
- You are only able to submit minimum payment amounts and your balances continue to grow interest
- You do not have a savings account
- You have thought about cashing out your retirement account to pay debts
- You have fallen behind on mortgage payments, rent, or utilities
- You are facing foreclosure or evictions of your home
- You avoid answering phone calls because they are often debt collectors
- You have substantial medical debts
- You are not achieving your business goals
- You have undergone a major life event such as a job loss divorce, or death that led to financial hardships
- You are dealing with wage garnishment, repossession of your car, or seizure of property
- You have a significant amount of tax debts or obligations
- You have needed to consistently borrow money from friends or family
- You are being sued by creditors
- You have been relying on payday loans
What Necessary Payments To Not Avoid
There are certain necessary expenses that every person needs to take care of themselves. You are more at risk of harm by avoiding spending money on dental work or cleanings, prescription refills, new eyeglasses, fixing a plumbing leak, installing a new roof, and performing car maintenance. If you do not have dental care done within a reasonable timeframe, it can cause worse problems later on. If you are unable to get your eyes examined with a current prescription, you could injure yourself or others because you are not able to see as you need to. By not affording to pay for your prescription medication, your condition could go untreated. Being able to get your car fixed and a new roof put on your home allows you to live and travel more safely. If these expenses have become costs you have put off for quite some time due to financial constraints, it may be time to get help from our Middletown bankruptcy lawyer. For more information on how we can help, contact us today.
How Our Support Can Make A Difference
Firm Founder Attorney Eric Lindh Foster has more than 27 years of experience as securities and banking attorney. In particular, Eric Lindh Foster is experienced in helping halt creditor harassment, phone calls, letters, and unsolicited third-party communications. He is a former attorney at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York where he worked on bank lending activity regulations. He believes in finding relief for people so they don’t feel weighed down by their debts. You can depend on our Middletown bankruptcy lawyer to get you through a difficult time and make a difference for life now and into the future. Contact him at Eric Lindh Foster Law, LLC for further support!